Emotion linked to Gender
Gender plays a big role in all of our lives. Am I right? I think so. Without Gender how would we know who we really are? What is acceptable by society to like and dislike? How we should act around other people? All these things are influenced by Gender. Now there are some aspects of genders that are natural. Women are more tender, delicate, and dainty while men are said to be "macho" and "manly" . These are the stereotypes we place on gender roles. Girls play with dolls and boys play with trucks. Girls are relationship oriented and communicate emotionally and verbally as men are spatially oriented and communicate through their actions. The way Men and Women express emotion are very different. It is not that They feel different emotions it is that it is not socially acceptable for men to express how they feel the same way women do. How often do men express emotion through anger? I say pretty often. Why? Because it is not acceptable for men to say they are feeling vulnerable and lost. For example. Take a man who has a wife and kids who just lost his job. He must go home and tell his wife the news. In this time he may be feeling deeper emotions such as disappointment in himself, regret, loss of the sense of "provide, preside, and protect". When he gets home he kicks the dog out of the way, gets upset with his children for not cleaning up their mess and makes rude remarks about the dinner that was prepared. He is funneling his emotions as anger when really he is over whelmed with what happened in the work day.We as people let these "societal gender roles" dictate who we are. A man who just lost his job should just be able to express to his wife how he is feeling straight up, not having to leave hints of how he is actually feeling in aggressive actions.I am not saying that all men should start crying over everything because that is how we feel or that all women should be more manly and show less emotion, there needs to be a Gender barrier, but what I am saying is that we cannot let Stereotypes of who we are supposed to be decide who we actually are, weather it be based on our our appearance, financial situation, race, or gender. We need to stray away from the world in this sense and live our lives how we believe we should be.
I love that your main points are in bold! And I would agree with what you're saying!