Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I've got the POWER

Power can be a great or devastating aspect to a family. If power is handled in the right way it is beautiful in the family dynamics. When I think of power i think of the terms: respect, control, dominance, authority, presiding, and so on. Some of these terms can have a negative connotation and other terms give a warm spiritual relation. This exemplifies the fact that power is wonderful and needed, but when taken advantage of is detrementing to a family. We must have referent power. This is the type of power you give to someone because you love them, you listen to your parents because you love them. As a child you give them that power because they have it and the more you honor that the more your home will be at peace.We need to learn respect and by watching those who abuse power does not make it easy for a person to automatically give their respect. Power goes hand in hand with respect, with out respect we do not have any positive relationships. All relationships we are involved in should be based off of respect, it is a key factor into holding authority in a powerful way. (see what I did there)
In marriage we are told to not overuse our power, if power becomes manipulating, that is when we have let the power get out of hand. Many people get divorced over this conflict of, "Who has more power?" I say Let's share the power, delegate task, compromise and RESPECT one another.

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