Monday, November 25, 2013

Family like Friends

Brother Williams posed a question that I found interesting. What would your family be like if you made a distinct effort to try to get to know them. I then posed this similar question for myself. "what would my family be like if I treated them like I do my best friends?" this is a valid question. Would my relationships be stronger with my siblings if I was polite to them like my friends, if I joked around with them like my friends? I talk to my family differently, topics discussed are different, information is different. Would my relationships with my parents and siblings be better if I treated them just like I do my best friends. I believe my friends probably know me more deeply. nothing bad, my relationship with my family is great, don't get me wrong I just wonder could my relationship be better? for example, I never, ever, ever talk about boys with my family. I just don't I have nothing worth telling them, but with my friends we talk about boys all the time. We talk about our dreams and aspirations and such, with my family we talk about family stuff and things we all have in common right then. I often find myself showing more love to my friends then my family which is not good. My friends know i am thankful for them and that i appreciate them. my family knows this too, but I never say it. Is this making sense? I am more polite towards my friends cause I don't want to loose them. I am relaxed with them, and joke around with them, but our relationships are built off of consideration where as my family relations are built off of being together forever. Just like i do not want to upset a roommate cause I have to live with them for another semester; i should not want to upset a family member because I have them for eternity.So here it is, I am giving my self this challenge as well as all other fellow bloggers who are actually reading this cause I bet I have tens of billions of people reading this very post. yeah I said it.Here is my challenge. Treat your family like you do your friends. lets do it! This should be interesting!!!

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