Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Curse Words...

Cheating is a curse word in "girl world".

 It should be a curse word in all worlds. Universally I believe cheating, as in adultery, is frowned upon. This is the type of cheating I am referring to, not cheating on a test something much more heart wrenching, cheating on people. No one encourages having romantic relationships with more than one person at a time. If they do it is not okay. (just my opinion) Here is a little fun fact for all those millions of readers I have following this blog, there are two different types of cheating, usually they go hand in hand, there is physical cheating and emotional cheating. When people start to get attached to someone in the sense when they love their personality and start to develop those strong romantic feelings that is considered emotional cheating. Physical cheating is having a physical relationship with someone else other than a spouse or partner. (partner meaning girlfriend or boyfriend)  Now here is that fun fact I was talking about: men rate physical cheating worse while women rate emotional cheating as worse. I would imagine that both types of cheating would bother both genders, however one type bothers each gender more than the other. In class we talked about infidelity and factors that lead to it as well as high fidelity. Don't we all want those types of relationships that are strength building and are not perfect, but that is okay because it IS perfect because both people are happy and can work through anything? Those are the types of relationships that never end, the kind you have to work at.  The relationships that are based off of lust and what is considered "easy" do not last, ever. Just a thought.

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