Divorce. Is that a crime? Naa. I know plenty of great people, even faithful members of the church who have gotten divorced, and remarried. I do not think those people are bad, or that they are beneath anybody. Could these people have saved their marriage? In some cases its not up to both people to get divorced, one partner decides. In class there were several shocking statistics that Brother Williams threw out to us. My personal thoughts on divorce are please never happen to me. There is so much that goes into divorce, so many factors that lean towards divorce. I am no divorce expert, I don't have much advice for divorce or knowledge on it. I just know that It is a hard, long process that simply sucks, but here is what I want to touch upon: in the Young Single Adult LDS world people are so focused on marriage. What happend to having fun? being relaxed with dating and letting it all come naturally, with some effort? The common classic situation is two people start dating, two months later they are engaged and three months later married. This is how it seems at least. I believe that when people do start approaching marriage, they rush through some steps. This may be the number one cause for divorce among LDS people.Here is an example, someone real close to me is dating this boy. I know for a fact that this boy is ready for marriage and wants to marry my friend, there is just one problem, my friend is not ready to be married. If they rush through this, this relationship could end badly. Both people would be devastated and hurt. It is common for lots of young people to marry to quickly and divorce a few years later. I do not want this for my friend, or for anyone. When this happens, let's not change communication or relationships, lets change perspective and enhance relationships. Concerning marriage: let's be mindful, careful, yet faith filled when dealing with the developing relationships.
True Doctrine